• The lake Chad area, according to Fra Mauro - around 1450.

research network

MSH Mondes
21, Allée de l´Université
92023 NANTERRE Cédex

Téléphone: ++33 +1 46 69 26 27
Fax: ++33 +1 46 69 26 28
E-mail: megatchad.net@gmail.com
» more information


Pérouse de Montclos, Marc-Antoine. 2023. Un djihad sans foi ni loi, ou la guerre contre le terrorisme à l’épreuve des réalités africaines Paris : PUF.
Langlois, Olivier. 2022. « Des ‟pierres de pluie” venues d’un pays où il ne pleut plus ? Sur les traces d’un objet majeur de l’anthropologie africaine » Journal des africanistes 92 (2), p. 86-135. » PDF
» more publications


The 18th Mega Chad Colloquium was held from 29 to 31 January 2020 in N'Djamena (Chad) on the theme "Times of changes. Ruptures and continuity in the Lake Chad basin".

A selection of texts will be published later.
» more conferences

Images of Mega Chad

What is Mega Chad?

The Mega-Chad network presentation brochure

Mega-Chad is an international network concerned with multidisciplinary research on the history and evolution of societies in the Lake Chad basin.

Following a first multidisciplinary meeting held in Paris in 1984, the network has grown progressively to its present total of about 400 members in some twenty countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Cameroon, Canada, Central African Republic, Chad, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Russia, Switzerland, USA and others.

The network name "Mega-Chad" evokes the maximal extension of Lake Chad several millennia ago and refers to a vast area extending over much of Niger, Chad, northern Nigeria and northern Cameroon and the CAR within which are many shared cultural traditions, influences and patterns of exchange.

Its role involves:

  • Facilitating contacts between researchers of various disciplines, countries and institutions
  • Keeping them informed of work already carried out and of projects in progress
  • Stimulating research on the region by the organization of international conferences and colloquia and by publication of proceedings
  • Promoting international cooperation and particularly north-south relationships
  • Assisting development through realization of the potential of the regional cultural heritage